How a Therapist Can Help You?

Written by Joe Dabbs, Director of Therapist Practices

Therapist Helping

Not only can a therapist help you work through any mental health concern you may have, your therapist, may also be able to prevent you from suffering from other mental health concerns in the future.

The most important thing to know and understand is that working with a therapist is not a Bad Thing. It doesn't make you crazy or mentally defective, just like going to the doctor doesn't make you weak or sick. A person is just looking to improve their mental fitness with the help of a trained licensed professional.

Your health is one of a kind. Your mental health is just another part of your overall health and taking care of it improves your quality of life. Everyone struggles with their mental health sometimes. At these times, working with a therapist can help someone improve quickly and provide tools to limit issues from returning. People use a therapist to work through struggles they encounter in life, or deal with intense emotional issues. Some signs that give a good indication of when to reach out to a therapist will be shared with you now.

Struggling with Anxiety:
    If you are experiencing chronic episodes of anxiety working with a therapist can help you manage these attacks or barriers. Anxiety is the most common mental health issue and research has shown that working with a therapist improves lowers anxiety issues better than taking medications. A crucial component of dealing with anxiety is working with a therapist.
You Notice Personality Changes:
    One of the clearest signs of struggling with a mental health concern issue is dealing with mood issues. (Examples - Not enjoying activities you used to do, it becomes too difficult to manage emotions like being sad or getting angry often, whenever we don't feel like ourselves and it becomes bothersome to us.) When you notice mood changes it is a good sign that working with a therapist could be the help needed to get back to feeling better.
Changes to Your Sleep or Appetite:
    Your mental health can greatly influence these two areas. Mental health isn't always the reason for changes in these areas, but it is usually the last reason people see as the cause for the changes. Studies have shown that when people struggle in these areas it more commonly links back to mental health issues/concerns. If you're sleeping more or lying awake longer than usual this is a good sign mental health concerns may be causing the problem. The same is true when you are eating more (especially for comfort) or not feeling hungry. Working with a therapist can help improve these issues.
You're Stressed All the Time:
    We all feel stressed sometimes. When we feel stressed all the time, even when the stressors are no longer present, it may be a good time to talk to a therapist. There may not be a mental health issue to blame but learning how to manage the stress in your life will bring a better quality of life back for you and everyone else.
Emotional Trauma
    Trauma comes in many forms - loss of loved one, being fired, victim of a crime, car accidents, losing friendship, etc. Trauma impact everyone differently and no one should gauge trauma based on how others handle a situation or event. Talking with a therapist can really improve someone's life no matter how small the trauma may seem to you or others.
You Want to Quit a Bad Habit
    Addictions like smoking, alcohol, drug use, or gambling impact peoples' lives. It is very common to need help dealing with the emotional causes of an addiction and the impact it has on you and others. Using a therapist can help with overcoming addictions and healing relationships.

Don't hesitate to call us (833) 833-9655 when you consider working with a therapist. At Recovery Club America you will work with a therapist to provide the best treatment options for you. We have psychiatrists and nurse practitioners available in case you may benefit from an evaluation from them and medicines.

We look forward to working with you and helping you regain the quality of life you deserve.

Joe Dabbs

Joe Dabbs


Director of Therapist Practices